BrAsh Haus Beauty

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Blondes, Pools, and Austin's Summer Secrets: A Message from Ashley, Austin’s Top Hair Extension Specialist

Hey y’all, it’s Ashley here! With the Texas sun beaming down, there’s nothing I love more than seeing our Austin community taking a splash in Barton Springs or just about any pool to beat the heat. And being Austin's go-to gal for hair extensions, I thought it's high time I spill some sweat tea about a common summer hair woe.

Diving into Austin’s Shimmering Waters with Confidence

Summer in Austin isn’t complete without soaking in our local pools. But, my lovely blondes, whether you’re a natural or you’ve just had a fresh set of our luxurious hair extensions added, there’s a little secret you ought to know.

The Blonde Myth Busted: It's Not Chlorine, Sweethearts!

Well, honey, gather around because we're about to spill some real tea on this age-old hair tale. For as long as pools have been a summertime retreat, blonde-haired beauties have been blaming chlorine for every shade of green their precious locks turn post-swim. And it's understandable! Chlorine's been that villainous character, the wicked witch of pool chemicals, lurking in the depths of our pool water. But is chlorine truly the rogue we've made it out to be? Let's dive in!

Chlorine's Bad Rap

Chlorine got its bad reputation mainly because of its robust, distinct odor and its tendency to dry out our skin and hair. When you hop out of a pool and your skin feels tight and your hair feels like straw, chlorine takes the blame. Now, it's not entirely innocent; chlorine can make your hair more porous. It can strip away the natural oils, opening up the hair's cuticle. That "opened-up" state of your hair strands? It does pave the way for other elements in the pool to bond more easily with your hair.

However, here's where the story takes a twist. While chlorine might be the sidekick prepping the stage, it isn't the leading act. It doesn't give your hair that green hue. It's merely the gateway, not the green-maker.

Enter Copper: The True Greening Culprit

Now that we've let chlorine off the hook (at least for the green hair crime), let's introduce the real offender: copper. This metal, when present in pool water, undergoes oxidation due to air and pool chemicals. And darling, this oxidized copper just loves to cling to those proteins in your blonde or light-colored hair. As it binds, it brings along its blueish-green tint, which, against the pale backdrop of blonde hair, emerges as that notorious “pool green.”

Connecting the Dots: How the Myth Began

Imagine this: Your opened-up hair strands, courtesy of chlorine, become a welcoming ground for oxidized copper. So, in essence, while chlorine might have played a part in making your hair more vulnerable, it isn’t the actual color-changer. The real drama unfolds when copper steps onto the stage.

The confusion probably began because the two — chlorine and copper — often go hand in hand in pools. But now that we've sifted through the facts, it's clear as day: Chlorine might be the enabler, but copper, sweethearts, is the true artist painting those blonde locks green.

The Sneaky Role of Copper with Your Gorgeous Extensions

Many a time, we dip our toes (and tresses!) into the cool embrace of a swimming pool, thinking it's the refreshing escape our body and hair need. Yet, little do most of us realize the mischief some elements in pool water, notably copper, can unleash on our hair. Even the most sumptuous, high-end hair extensions Austin has ever laid eyes upon aren't immune to copper's sly antics.

So, what's the story here? How does this metal play the villain to our fair-haired beauties?

Copper’s Infiltration into Pool Water

First things first, we need to understand how copper makes its way into our pools. While pool water starts pretty clean, over time, factors such as the corrosion of pool equipment, pipes, and fittings introduce metals like copper into the water. In addition, some algaecides, which are used to prevent algal growth in pools, contain copper. When these are added to pools, they introduce a significant amount of copper into the water.

The Greening Effect: The Bond of Copper and Hair

Here comes the fascinating part. Copper, when present in water, doesn't stay in its pure, metallic form. Instead, it undergoes a reaction called oxidation when exposed to air and various pool chemicals. This oxidized copper is highly reactive. When blonde or light-colored hair, which contains proteins (keratin), takes a dip in this copper-infused pool, the oxidized copper molecules bond with these proteins.

But why does it turn green? The answer lies in the color spectrum. Oxidized copper tends to have a blueish-green hue. When it binds to hair, especially lighter shades, it imparts this color, resulting in what we often refer to as “pool green” hair. The effect is similar to a blueish dye on yellow blonde hair – it turns it green.

The Unique Vulnerability of Extensions

Now, while natural hair has its defense mechanisms, extensions are particularly vulnerable. The hair in extensions doesn't benefit from the natural oils that our scalp produces. These oils can act as a barrier, preventing some of the copper from binding to the hair. In the absence of this protective layer, extensions can be more susceptible to the green tint. This is even more prominent if the extensions are of a lighter shade, where the green hue can stand out vividly.

Decoding the Myth of Chlorine

A common misconception is that chlorine is the main culprit. While chlorine does make hair more porous and might indirectly amplify the effect of the copper, it’s not the direct cause of the greenish tint. Think of chlorine as the accomplice, opening the hair cuticle doors wide, making it easier for copper to swoop in and do its thing.

To sum it up, the story of our hair turning green after a day in the pool is a tale of chemistry and reactions. The sneaky role copper plays is something not everyone is aware of, but with the right knowledge, we can take steps to protect our gorgeous extensions and natural hair.

When you choose extensions, especially the top-tier ones from places like BrAsh Haus Beauty, you're investing in beauty. Knowing how to protect that beauty is key, and understanding the nuances of what's happening at the microscopic level is the first step.

My Tips for Protecting Your Blonde Glory in Good Ol' Austin

Alright, lovelies, before y'all start fretting, here’s my tried-and-true advice to keep your hair vibrant and beautiful:

  1. Pre-Pool Rituals: Always wet your hair before taking a dive. It’s like prepping your hair for battle against those tricky pool elements.

  2. Rinse Immediately: As soon as you’re done, give your hair a quick rinse. Need some top-tier product advice? Here at BrAsh Haus Beauty, we’ve got you covered.

  3. Condition Like a Pro: The Austin sun can be tough, but a good conditioner is like giving your hair a comforting hug. Never skip it.

Why Trust Ashley and BrAsh Haus Beauty

Nestled right at 9707 Anderson Mill Rd, Unit 310, Austin Texas 78750, we've created a haven for hair in the heart of Austin. I take immense pride in being part of your hair journey. Want a closer look at what I bring to the table? Check out this deep dive into my hair expertise.

Wrapping It Up: Embrace the Austin Summer, Hair and All!

So, ladies, as you flaunt your style down South Congress or unwind by Lake Travis, remember these golden tips. You're not just rocking any look – you're showcasing the BrAsh Haus Beauty signature, and I'm here cheering y'all on every step of the way.

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